I can not believe the amount of sweat one person can make from working out!!! It's insane, I'm considering making a hat out of those Sham Wow's to try and contain the sweat, actually might try making a long t-shirt too! Sorry, I know it's bit of a gross subject but it's part and parcel of the whole workout thing!!
The downside to all this sweating is having to replace all the water in your body. I feel like I have a water bottle constantly attached to my lips, wouldn't be so bad if the bottle contained coffee or flavoured milk but it doesn't, just boring old water! To be fair drinking the water while working out is easy, it's drinking it when I'm at home or work that is the hard part. Trying to consume 3 litres of water a day is a mission and trying to do it before 4pm is a challenge.... I have found if I drink it after 4pm I end up spending the night getting in and out of bed going to the loo, be easier to set up a bed in the bathroom I think!! Hmmm wonder if a grown up nappy would work?? Scratch that thought, couldn't handle sleeping with a wet cold nappy on!! Ahhh, the joys of trying to get in shape!!
Anyway, I have tried out the new program I was given the other day a couple of times now. So far the weights part of it is good, I haven't dropped any on my head and I managed to keep the embarrassing puku flashing to a minimum. Although I did lose control of the swiss ball today while doing my reverse curl crunches... the idea is to lie on your back and hold the swiss ball between your ankles, lift your legs into the air and do a crunch (I think I have explained that right!) Anyway, because of the heat today my legs may have been a little sweaty so when I lifted the ball above me (with some force because I was in a hurry to get this painful exercise over and done with!!) I accidentally flung it across the room.... Luckily there was only one other person using that side of the gym to witness me chasing the swiss ball around like an idiot, could have been disastrous if there was a balance class on, I would have knocked them over like skittles!!
The cardio portion of the program is a whole new story though.... might save that one for the next update!!
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